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  • Sergem202018-1 Я люблю... photo 10967982
  • Sergem202018-1 26 photo 10967979


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40 mois
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Les détails importants de Sergem202018-1
Sexe Homme
Intéressé par Femmes, Hommes, Couples, Trans
Age 40
Taille 175cm - 185cm
Poids 70 - 80 kg
Cheveux Brunes
Yeux Bleus
Origines Blanche / Caucasienne
Langues Ukrainien, Anglais
Poils Pubiens Coiffées
Pénis Moyenne
Ce qui m'excite
My sensitivity is natural to me, so gentle touches and pleasant sounds always trigger my fantasies🥰
A propos de moi
Hello, my name is Sergiy, and I want to share a part of my life with you. I work in a factory, but in my spare time I like to do various pleasant things for myself, including making videos.
Ce qui me dégoûte
Because I am human, I don't like what the average person doesn't like🤔
Ce que je fais sur une webcam :
Questionnaire sexuel

Pour en apprendre encore plus sur Sergem202018-1, vous pouvez poser des questions payantes sur tous les sujets qui vous intéressent !

  1. 1. Quelle est votre position sexuelle préférée ?

    My favorite sex position is the “dogi style” position, it excites me due to several factors:
    Deep penetration - this position allows you to penetrate deeply, which can provide additional satisfaction not only to me, but also to my partner.
    Maximum deep and comfortable intimate contact: This position a
    ... Afficher plus

  2. 2. Avez-vous eu des rapports sexuels en groupe ?

    І didn't participate in group sex. But group sex can be a source of pleasure and emotional satisfaction for me, as I often fantasize about such activities. Here we need to add that it is important for us to remember safety, harmony and mutual respect in these types of interactions.

  3. 3. Quel est le porno que vous aimez le plus ?

    If we talk about porn, I like to watch different types of this art. This is just like ordinary pleasures between a man and a woman, as well as entertainment for lesbians. I also like to watch deep penetrations into the mouth and ass. Watching models having sex with different toys gives me special fa... Afficher plus

  4. 4. Combien de temps pouvez-vous tenir en position de levrette ?

    The duration of my sex can vary significantly depending on many factors, such as my physical stamina at a given time, the emotional state I'm in, my partner's level of arousal and other factors. On average, sexual intercourse lasts from several minutes to several tens of minutes.
    Sometimes I can last
    ... Afficher plus

  5. 5. Pourquoi le sexe matinal est le meilleur ?

    Para mí, el sexo matutino puede tener varios beneficios para la salud física y emocional.
    Me levanta el ánimo. La actividad sexual puede liberar endorfinas y serotonina, que mejoran el estado de ánimo y ayudan a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad. El sexo matutino es tan energizante como el ejercicio.
    ... Afficher plus

Heures de travail de Sergem202018-1

Clips Amateurs de Sergem202018-1

Performance in the summer shower
100 Jetons
An excited man imagines what he wants
60 Jetons
Man fingering hairy butt and masturbating
101 Jetons
Man fingering hairy butt
100 Jetons
When viewers are not very active
20 Jetons
I lift my mood
60 Jetons
Free style performance
100 Jetons
Working condition
100 Jetons
Tossing and turning in bed
40 Jetons
Morning satisfaction
20 Jetons
A special performance for one fan
99 Jetons
Self kissing
150 Jetons
Sitting on a chair with the legs up
60 Jetons
Performance for yourself
20 Jetons
Pleasant feelings
30 Jetons
Derniers instantanés (20) Voir Tout
Snapshot 1 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 2 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 3 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 4 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 5 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 6 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 7 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 8 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 9 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 10 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 11 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 12 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 13 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 14 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 15 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 16 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 17 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 18 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 19 de Sergem202018-1
Snapshot 20 de Sergem202018-1
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Commentaires (1)
Ti super :love :love :love :love :love :love
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Добре що він є!Sergem202018-1 Чудовий подарунок image: 1 Sergem202018-1 Чудовий подарунок image: 2Sergem202018-1 Чудовий подарунок image: 3